Starting with switstack moka 
Playing with the code
switstack moka options are:
Virtual terminal
This mode can be used to replay transactions based on APDU logs.
If you use switstack transaction examples, set following TRD tags as followed: 9f 37 04 de ad be ef 9a 03 23 08 01
Other tags depend on the transactions variable imposed by test plans.
Steps | Description | Command |
#1 | Contact switstack to open a github account (see switstack). | n/a |
#2 | Clone the repository. | git clone repository_reference |
#3 | Make the build for virtual mode. | cmake -B build -S . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./external/cmake-toolchains/cmake/toolchains/gcc_linux-x86_64.toolchain.cmake -D MOKA_BUILD_TESTS=ON -D MOKA_BUILD_TEST_APP=ON -D MOKA_TRACE_CERTIF=ON -D MOKA_HAL=VEP-L -DSWITSTACK_VERSION="1.0.0" |
#4 | Compile the code. | cmake --build ./build |
#5 | Perform unit test. | ./build/test/moka_test |
#6 | Execute the code. | ./build/apps/moka/moka -f mchip1.txt -t trd_00_15_00.txt -k mastercard.txt -r mastercard.txt -c card_name.txt |
PCSC-based terminal
This mode can be used for qualification with accredited tools, and with actual card.
Actual cards coming from production (your card ) use specific certificates that are not provided by switstack.
Steps | Description | Command |
#1 | Contact switstack to open a github account (see switstack). | n/a |
#2 | Clone the repository. | git clone repository_reference |
#3 | Make the build for PCSC mode. | cmake -B build -S . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./external/cmake-toolchains/cmake/toolchains/gcc_linux-x86_64.toolchain.cmake -D MOKA_BUILD_TESTS=ON -D MOKA_BUILD_TEST_APP=ON -D MOKA_TRACE_CERTIF=ON -D MOKA_HAL=PCSC -DSWITSTACK_VERSION="1.0.0" -DMOKA_MASTERCARD_MAGSTRIPE=OFF |
#4 | Compile the code. | cmake --build ./build |
#5 | Execute the code. | ./build/apps/moka/moka -f mchip1.txt -t trd_00_15_00.txt -k mastercard.txt -r mastercard.txt |