There are 4 use cases that may lead to integrate switstack moka
- You need to integrate an EMV Level 3 application on top of
switstack moka
. - You need to extend an external entry point with
switstack moka
's kernels. - You need to add a new EMV kernel into
switstack moka
framework. - You need to port switstack moka on a new hardware platform.
EMV Level 3 integration: GLAse
GLAse stands for Generic Level 2 API service. It is an implementation of GLA, an EMV Level 2 API that is designed to encapsulate any card processing system to manage EMV cards at the Point of Interaction (POI). It is now part of Nexo initiatives consisting in standardizing acceptance software systems. During the past years, different protocols of the merchant ecoystem have been covered by Nexo, including the most famous ones:
- Point Of Sale (POS) through the Nexo Retail protocol.
- Acquirer host through the Nexo Acquirer protocol, a.k.a. ISO 20022.
- Terminal Management System (TMS) through the Nexo TMS protocol.
(See Nexo standards).
Supporting the effort to limit technical dependencies between acceptance system providers and integrators, switstack has recently proposed this API to abstract EMV Level 2. The goal is to:
- Remove dependencies between EMV Level 3 and EMV Level 2 proprietary API.
- Reduce the logical gap between EMV Level 2 certification and EMV Level 2 integration.
- Automate EMV solutions developments.
External entry point integration: switstack moka framework
Compliance wiht EMVCo Books A/B
switstack moka
entry point APIs follow EMVCo Book A/B specifications. Then, a plug-and-play approach is possible.
- Entry point API provides a set of functions enabling granular calls to perform starts A/B/C/D, to set entry point data model, and even control the EMV Level 2 transaction flow.
- There is a simple and minimum coupling between entry point and kernels. Any kernel is activated using an ACT signal (as per Mastercard definition), and the outcomes can be processed in a normalized way.
Activate a kernel using a message broker service abstracting kernel location, or directly call a function.
// Using a message broker call
moka_message_t req, rsp;
kernel, // Kernel identifier
&req, // Message request
&rsp, // Message response
service_error = msg_brk_send(x_emvco_entry_point_message_broker, &req, &rsp);
// Using a function call
inbound_data, inbound_length, outbound, outbound_length);
Inbound and outbound data followed EMVCo Book A/B specifications.
ACT Signal Templates | Descriptions | Examples |
0xe2 | EMV configuration | e2 81 9f 9f 01 00 9f 09 02 00 02 9f 15 02 11 22 9f 16 00 9f 1a 02 00 56 9f 1c 00 9f 1d 08 6c ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 9f 1e 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 9f 33 00 9f 35 01 22 9f 40 05 00 00 00 00 00 9f 4e 00 9f 7e 00 df 81 1b 01 20 df 81 20 05 00 00 00 00 00 df 81 21 05 00 00 00 00 00 df 81 22 05 00 00 00 00 00 df 81 23 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 df 81 24 06 00 00 00 03 00 00 df 81 25 06 00 00 00 05 00 00 df 81 26 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 df 81 17 01 00 df 81 18 01 60 df 81 19 01 08 df 81 1f 01 08 |
0xe4 | FCI (without SW1SW2) | e4 3d 6f 3b 84 07 a0 00 00 00 04 10 10 a5 30 87 01 01 50 0a 4d 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64 5f 2d 06 65 6e 64 65 66 72 9f 11 01 01 9f 38 08 9f 02 06 9f 33 03 9c 01 bf 0c 06 9f 5d 03 00 04 00 |
0xe5 | Transaction Related Data (TRD) | e5 15 9f 02 06 00 00 00 00 15 00 9a 03 23 08 01 |
-- | Primiitive data objects | 96 01 02 df a0 0a 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9f 37 04 8e 6f fe cb where 0xdfa00a = entry point indicators for visa-a-like kernels |
To analyze kernel outcome, parse outbound data
OUT Signals | Descriptions | C-8 Signals | Examples | Notes |
0xdf8129 | Outcome parameter set | 0x9f8210 | df 81 29 08 40 10 f0 f0 50 f0 ff 00 | -- |
0xff8105 | Data record | 0xbf8102 | ff 81 05 81 a8 9f 02 06 00 00 00 00 15 00 9f 26 08 ac 12 34 56 78 9a bc de 5f 24 03 49 12 31 82 02 19 80 50 0a 4d 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64 5a 08 54 13 33 90 00 00 15 13 5f 34 01 01 9f 36 02 00 02 9f 07 02 ff ff 9f 09 02 00 02 9f 27 01 80 9f 34 03 3f 00 01 84 07 a0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9f 1e 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 9f 10 12 01 10 00 00 00 02 00 00 da c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9f 11 01 01 9f 33 03 00 60 08 9f 1a 02 00 56 9f 35 01 22 95 05 00 00 80 00 01 5f 2a 02 09 78 9a 03 23 08 01 9c 01 00 9f 37 04 de ad be ef | -- |
0xff8106 | Discretionary data | 0xbf8103 | ff 81 06 32 9f 42 02 09 78 df 81 15 06 01 00 00 00 00 21 9f 6e 20 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 | -- |
0xdf8115 | Error indication | 0x9f8204 | df 81 15 06 01 00 00 00 00 21 | Included in discretionary data |
0xdf8116 | User interface request data | 0x9f8205 | df 81 16 0d 21 02 00 00 00 65 6e 64 65 66 72 00 00 | -- |
0xe7 | switstack moka additional tags |
-- | e7 21 df a0 09 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 df a0 28 05 04 02 00 00 00 df a0 20 06 00 00 00 03 00 00 | switstack moka proprietary tags |
EMV Level 2 signals are not normalized accross brands. switstack moka
uses OUT Signals for Mastercard (kernel 0x02), and C-8 Signals - for other kernels.
Full flexibility
With switstack moka
, it is possible to add new EMV kernels to a payment application. switstack moka
architecture enables different types of integrations to extend existing entry points running their own kernels. Each integration proviving for and drawbacks depending on constraints and objectives.
Payment application <-> switstack moka entry point
- You don't want to modify the existing entry point.
- You don't want to break the EMV Level 2 certifications already granted.
- You want to take full advantage of
switstack moka
ecosystem, and the test automation framework.
- Integrate
switstack moka
entry point C API calls into your payment application. - Leverage on an API that provides full control of the card processing to:
- Configure the kernels.
- Trigger the EMV Level 2 flow.
- Process the transactions outcomes.
In that combination, 2 entry points are deployed in "parallel".
API Functions | Descriptions | Notes | Function Calls |
Set Parameters | Set entry point data model | See entry_point_generic.h | uint16_t emvco_entry_point_set_parameters(const uint8_t* inbound, uint16_t in_length) |
Start A | Perform pre-processing | See entry_point_functions.h | uint16_t emvco_entry_point_start_a(const uint8_t inbound, uint16_t in_length, uint8_t outbound, uint16_t* out_length) |
Start B | Perform protocol activiation | See entry_point_functions.h | uint16_t emvco_entry_point_start_b(uint8_t* detected_interface) |
Start C | Perform combination selection | See entry_point_functions.h | uint16_t emvco_entry_point_start_c(uint8_t outbound, uint16_t out_length) |
Start D | Activate kernel | See entry_point_functions.h | uint16_t emvco_entry_point_start_d(uint8_t outbound, uint16_t out_length) |
Inbound and outbound data follow ASN.1 TLV format.
Tags | Descriptions | Notes |
0xdfa021 | Signal mode for certification | Use this parameter to define signal format coming out the entry point. Default = Mastercard = 0x00 |
0xdfa025 | Reference transaction type | Use this parameter to filter combinations at start A by transaction type. Default = Purchase = 0x00 |
0xdfa00b | Starting condition for entry point, a.k.a. autorun | |
0xdfa00c | Skip polling at start B time | |
0xdfa011 | Support ASPRD tag 0x9F0A | Use this parameter to support Application Selection Registered Proprietary Data |
0xdfa013 | Support TIDAS tags 0x9F3E/0x9F3F | Support Terminal Information During Application Selection |
External entry point <-> switstack moka kernels
Hypothesis: the existing entry point runs on the same physical host as switstack moka
entry point.
- You need to take control of the entry point, and are ready to modify it.
- You want to take full advantage of
switstack moka
ecosystem, and the test automation framework.
- Integrate directly
switstack moka
's kernels withoutswitstack moka
entry point. - Leverage on an API that follows EMVCo Books A/B:
- Activate the kernels
- Process final outcomes.
In that combination, your entry point integrates switstack moka
kernels that live in "parallel" with other kernels.
EMV Kernel integration: switstack moka service
[Develop your own kernel into switstack moka
framework and use the test automation framework. More details to come in next version]
Hardware integration: switstack moka HAL
[Port APDU management on a given platform. More details to come in next version]