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swittest probe

swittest-probe is a Python package which belongs to the swittest ecosystem. It acts as an interface between swittest (core package) and a card emulation probe. We currently support the probe designed by Paytestlab.


swittest-probe can interface with the CLI and the web service versions of swittest.


To install swittest-probe on your system you can use the dependency/package mangement tool of your choice (pip, pipx, poetry, pipenv, ...). You simply need to configure an additional source targeting our Nexus repository beforehand.


Please contact our support team to get your Nexus access details.

Core (API package)

swittest-probe can be imported and used as an API package by any Python application. Simply add the dependency to your project and import the swittest_probe modules or sub-modules into your code.

CLI (standalone mode)

swittest-probe is also a standalone application that can be executed on any machine.


swittest-probe is a Typer based application that lets you call different commands organized in categories.

Usage: swittest-probe [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion Install completion for the current │
│ shell. │
│ --show-completion Show completion for the current shell, │
│ to copy it or customize the │
│ installation. │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ list Broadcasts info command over network or serial ports to │
│ discover probes. │
│ send Sends commands to the probe using either serial or TCP │
│ communication. │
│ listen Listens to the probe using either serial or TCP │
│ communication. │
│ run Performs a full transaction with the card reader based on │
│ vcard data. │
│ connect Connect to swittest │


The list command will scan the environment for connected probes, either through WiFi or USB (virtual COM).

swittest-probe list⠏ Searching probe ...
Probe(s) found at:

Send & listen

The send and listen commands are unitary steps that can be used to finely manipulate the probe. Most people will rather use the run one.


The run command performs a single virtual card transaction based on the virtual card given in argument.

swittest-probe run /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 tests/assets/card.vcard
Starting card emulation
Setting communication protocol


The connect command connects to swittest and the probe and waits for test data. Once a test is triggered either from the CLI interface or the service front-end/back-end, the virtual card data will be passed on to swittest-probe which will handle the communication with the probe through out the test(s).

swittest-probe connect \43102864-5d38-4926-a187-80606a14bd68 /dev/cu.usbserial-0001Waiting socket server ...
Connected to
Sent POI id: 43102864-5d38-4926-a187-80606a14bd68


The API documentation is available here