add CAKey
Add a CAPK (Certificate Authority Public Key).
| Tag | Description |
| :------- | :------------------------------------ |
| 0xDFA023 | Certificate authority public key |
The certificate authority structure contains the following data:
| Data | Length | Description |
| :-------------- | :------ | :------------------------------------------ |
| RID | 5 bytes | Application brand identifier |
| Index | 1 byte | Key index |
| Hash indicator | 1 byte | RFU |
| Algo. indicator | 1 byte | RFU |
| Modulus length | 2 bytes | Key modulus length |
| Modulus | 256 bytes | Key modulus (padded to 256 bytes with zeros |
| Exponent length | 1 byte | Public exponent length |
| Exponent | 1 or 3 bytes | Public exponent |
| Hash | 20 bytes | RFU |
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Switcloud L2Exception
or any derived exception class.